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DEC 13 ONE BOOK, ONE ND with Terry Shoptaugh

How the Nonpartisan League (NPL) came into existence in North Dakota.

DEC 13 ONE BOOK, ONE ND with Terry Shoptaugh
DEC 13 ONE BOOK, ONE ND with Terry Shoptaugh


Dec 13, 2020, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM CST

One Book, One ND with Terry Shoptaugh


Terry Shoptaugh is a native of St. Louis, Missouri.  He has written and published six books on the history of Minnesota and North Dakota, including You Have Been Kind Enough to Assist Me; They Were Ready: The 164th Infantry in the Pacific War; and Red River Floods.  His newest book, Sons of the Wild Jackass, relates the rise and decline of the Nonpartisan League in North Dakota.

Book: In Sons of the Wild Jackass: The Nonpartisan League in North Dakota Terry Shoptaugh discusses how the Nonpartisan League (NPL) came into existence, became a force in politics and government on the Great Plains, and influenced the nation’s agricultural policies throughout the 20th century.  The role of leadership in the League, a major part of the organization’s success -- and its subsequent decline – is a major part of the story.


  • Terry Shoptaugh

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