End of Life Duties
This is a 2-hour virtual class using the Zoom platform. Is there a moral imperative to have a will and advance directive?

Time & Location
About this class
End of life duties: Is there a moral imperative to have a will and advance directive? Everyone seems to agree that putting together a will and advance directive is important and something each person should do, but then always manage to find excuses not to do either. So, since they know that they are going to die, why don’t they carry through putting thought into action? This event will try to answer that question by thinking about how we view becoming mentally incompetent and our deaths, as well as why we have duties to have wills and advance directives.  Attendees might even get some ideas of what they want to see in their wills or advance directives.
This is a 2-hour virtual class using the Zoom platform. Â Sunday, Jan 23, 3:30-5 pm CST
Dennis Cooley received his PhD in philosophy from the University of Rochester in 1995. His teaching and research interests include theoretical and applied ethics with a focus on pragmatism, bioethics, business ethics, personhood, and death and dying. He is the author of Technology, Transgenics, and a Practical Moral Code, Death’s Values and Obligations: A Pragmatic Framework, and co-edited Passing/Out: Identity Veiled and Revealed. He is Secretary General of the International Academy of Medical Ethics and Public Health; Editor of Springer’s International Library of Bioethics; Associate Editor of Elsevier’s Ethics, Medicine and Public Health; and Director of the Northern Plains Ethics Institute.
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