Wolves Within: Women’s Fiction and the Modern Fable with Claire Barwise
Contemporary short stories from across the globe.

Time & Location
About this class:
This is a 8-week virtual class using the Zoom platform.
Tuesdays: January 17, 24, 31, February 7, 14, 21, 28, March 7 - 12-1:30 pm CST.
In this course, we will read contemporary short stories from across the globe, all of which use elements of the magical and fantastic to convey psychological truths in women's lives. As we will find, the modern fable shows itself to be far from simple in either form or content, as authors draw on multiple genres and stylistic techniques to engage complex questions of gender, sexuality, power, history, and the self.
Instructor bio:
Claire Barwise holds an MFA in Creative Writing and a PhD in English Literature. Her work has appeared in the Minnesota Review, Feminist Modernist Cultures, and Modern Fiction Studies. She currently resides in Philadelphia, PA and teaches at Drexel University.
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