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Humanities ND Magazine


Humanities ND Magazine is a tri-annual publication that engages with ideas on all topics related to the Humanities and accepts submissions throughout the year from writers across the United States. In two (Spring and Fall) of our three issues, we offer specific programmatic content about upcoming HND Public University classes. The third issue, the beloved Sense of Place (spring) issue, asks for specific content related to a sense of place in North Dakota. We seek a variety of voices and perspectives, and, to that end, we rarely publish back-to-back submissions from the same writers during a calendar year.

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Instructors are encouraged to submit “teasers”—not a syllabus or specific course description, but rather something more reflective thought related to their upcoming courses. They may submit in any category (essay/article, fiction) and must imagine an audience that might be intrigued by their course offering. 


SENSE OF PLACE ISSUE (SPRING): For this issue alone, we focus most particularly on submissions from writers with a direct connection to North Dakota, and consider work from all categories. Writers might focus on how that connection has affected them, in terms of history, memory, education, landscape, ethnic identity, art, music, culture, family—a broad range of topics.

Categories and Guidelines

Humanities ND Magazine accepts several kinds of submissions and actively seeks Sense of Place submissions year round. Please note the specific guidelines that pertain to each category and see also Submission Criteria:


NONFICTION: Most of our submissions come from writers of articles—essays, creative nonfiction, memoir. These pieces should fit a range of a minimum of 1,000 to a maximum of 4,000 words. Although we do accept previously published work (for which we do not pay), we prefer original work.*


Within this category, we also accept “scholarly” essays, with the understanding that they must reflect consideration for a wide audience, not merely for colleagues in the writer’s field. Such pieces should demonstrate careful research, must make a clear, cohesive point within the 4,000-word limit, and must be well argued with supporting materials from personal or professional experience. They may focus on any humanities topic: culture, literature, film, history, ethnic studies, art, music—on any human/society endeavor or product. We do not publish footnotes or bibliographies. Please attribute within the text.


FICTION: As with nonfiction submissions, we expect a 1,000—4,000-word range and expect, with certain occasional exceptions, that work will be original/unpublished.* Both short stories and chapters/excerpts from novels will be considered for publication.


PAYMENT FOR PUBLICATION: We pay $250 for previously unpublished articles. Authors maintain rights to their work and, if a piece is used on our website, can request that their piece be taken down at any time. As noted above, we do not pay authors for reprinted work.



NUTS AND BOLTS: All submissions must conform to some basic considerations, among them


  • Please carefully read all information regarding magazine issues, guidelines, and criteria prior to making submissions using the Google form (this link can be found in our magazine and on our website at


  • No piece of any kind should be submitted without the writer having performed a careful self-editing process to assure that it is as error-free as possible;


  • Pieces should clearly identify the writer and title, and provide the writer’s e-mail address/contact information;


  • Submissions must be double spaced, conform to standard expectations regarding usage, and be written in 12-point typeface with appropriate margins (generally 1 inch) all around;


  • All submissions will be initially reviewed to determine whether they meet both our criteria and our current need. Humanities ND Magazine reserves the right to refuse any submission that does not meet such expectations. Please note: submissions that are accepted are not guaranteed immediate publication. Our acceptance response will indicate when we anticipate publication;


  • Writers should anticipate that Humanities ND Magazine will edit for clarity—in terms of style, grammar, and mechanics. We will never tamper with content, but may ask questions related to it when necessary.


All questions should be submitted to Program Director, Sue Skalicky Muraida 

submission criteria
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PO Box 2191, Bismarck, ND 58502
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Thanks for submitting!

Humanities North Dakota is an independent nonprofit organization, we are not a state agency.

©2024 Humanities North Dakota


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